Navigating Mac Mini with I mac

I'm thinking of buying Mac Mini and placing it on my audio rack ,so
I can move my DAC back to the main rig where it belongs , thus I would
eliminate 30' long audio interconnect cable that I'm using now.
So, my question is:can I use my I mac wireless to control the Mac mini,
so I can avoid buying another screen, key board and the mouse?
I thank all of you for your response.
My Mac Mini is in a closet, no keyboard or monitor, connected to WiFi and an external drive only. I use a free app, Chicken of the VNC, to control it from my desktop Mac for maintenance such as software upgrades and cleaning up the music library. It is running as a server for a Logitech Transporter, so I use iPeng to control the server from an iPad, but you should be able to control an iTunes, Pure Music or Amarra interface remotely through a VNC app like Chicken of the VNC. The response time was a bit slow using 801g WiFi, but I find it quite adequate after upgrading to 801n.
I use my iPad to control my headless mac mini with a VNC app. Works like a charm.
Where does your music reside now.? If it's on a Mac you can just buy an airport express and stream to it then to the Dac - I have a Mac mini on my main system and can control it with my iPad or iPhone using remote app to play a system in my library that's hook to airport express.