Best DAC for Sonos

I was thinking of purchasing either a: PS Audio Link iii, Benchmark DAC1, Cambridge DACMagic or Musical Fedility V-DAC. Does anyone have thoughts on what might be the best to go between my Sonos and Krell preamp? Are there others that might be better?

Thanks in advance.
The Sonos has a high level of jitter on the S/PDIF output. In light of that, you will probably want to select a dac that handles jitter well, whether through ASRC, reclocking, or whatever. Another option is to lower the Sonos' jitter by getting Cullen to mod it, as others have suggested.

Either way, I would consider minimizing the effects of jitter an important consideration in your decision.

I am in the same process. Slow process for me. In addition to researching here on Audiogon, there is a ong thread on Sonos forums related to your issue.

Not sure if links are allowed. Sorry if not.
I use DCS Purcell/Elgar Plus.

Sounds great but I would like to get a clock input socket on the Sonos so I could synch it to the
DCS Verona Masterclock. None of the Sonos mod people seem to offer that option.
I should add that I had the Cullen mod (now done by W4S) done to my ZP-90 and it made a noticeable difference. Was it worth the money? It's a lot, more than the Sonos itself, but I love the Sonos controlled via my iPad. I wish it were cheaper, but it definitely made a difference and if your Sonos is your primary source, I strongly recommend it after being a doubter for a while...difference was immediately noticeable.