Oppo Nuforce BDP-93NE

Hi, Has anyone here listened to this new unit? It looks very interesting. Was just waiting to see if any reviewers or Audiogoners have tried it yet? I'm looking at it in place of my Oppo 83se[becuase of the claimed very musical redbook playback on this modded unit[93ne.] Thanks, lloyd
Any more specific sonic comments on the stock BDP-95 VS either of the 2 Nu Force 93's?

I so wish I could a/b the 2 of them with my own ears!

I emailed JA at Stereophile & he said there will be a more in depth review of the stock 95 soon, but nothing on Nu Force (he didn't say why).
I have both the stock 95 and the NuForce 93 NXE. I've had the 95 for a few months so it should be fully burned in. The 93NXE has been in my system for about ten days (maybe 75-90 hrs) and while initially not so different from the 95 at around 50 hrs. it really opened up. I'm assuming there is still more music to come as the 93 continues to settle in. I'm hoping. At this point it is much more musical than the 95. For the first week I frequently listened back and forth between the two players but now that the 93 has started to settle in I have not gone back to the 95. I will likely do so in the next couple of days. More soon...
Thanks for the info. Let us know how it progresses. Is this comparison on cd replay? Cheers, lloyd

I will be trading in an Audio Refinement Pre5 and Multi5 for a custom Rogue Cronus Magnum (on order right now) powering some Tekton 6.5t (50Hz - 25kHz, 92dB sensitivity, 4 Ohm - http://www.tektondesign.com/Model65t.htm). I was planning on ordering the BDP-93 NuForce from the get-go, but I might try the factory BPD-93 first and then consider the NuForce upgrade. Is there anything different between a BDP-93 NuForce ordered from the factory vs. the user install board?


The most-recent TAS has a comparison of the Nuforce mods and mentions a comparison to the 95 as well. 95 was preferred over NXE for 2-channel, but NXE preferred for multichannel output.