Oppo Nuforce BDP-93NE

Hi, Has anyone here listened to this new unit? It looks very interesting. Was just waiting to see if any reviewers or Audiogoners have tried it yet? I'm looking at it in place of my Oppo 83se[becuase of the claimed very musical redbook playback on this modded unit[93ne.] Thanks, lloyd
I don’t know, In my case, I find the BDP-93 punchier and cleaner than the BDP-93 NuForce Edition.
I use single ended triode Trafomatic amp (8W/p ch) integrated and single point drivers speakers (no horns), my speakers reveal speed and pin point accuracy, however, although the NuForce Edition may sound seamless and pleasant (in the right system), I do find that on tracks that tend to boogey hard, the NuForce Edition just sounds a bit too wooly for my ears, I haven’t tried the NuForce Extreme Edition yet, but it’s on the cards. Perhaps that will change the balance and impact that I am looking for. For instance I find the BDP-95 more like the old Theta's, all out punchy and clean with just a hint of liquid warmth where it counts. The 93NE on the other hand is just trying too hard to sound like tubes, old tubes even.
I hope that the NXE (NuForce Xtreme Edition) will shift that balance while retaining the midband magic we’re all so crave?
If you try the NXE let us know how it goes. I did note that the NXE was preferred over the NE at the 6 Moons review. cheers, lloyd
Largely because of the comments I've read on this thread (and some from others) I got the Nuforce Edition board for my BDP-93 this week and have been giving it a workout.

This is my first post, and I just wanted to give my impressions on the upgrade board and to reinforce others, like me, in saying that, no, you're really not crazy to spend almost as much on an upgrade as you did for the original player. IMO it's a darn good improvement, and worth it.

Fortunately I had the opportunity to get used to the characteristic sound of the stock BDP-93 over the last few weeks (very good I might add), via all my favorite and familiar CD's and SACD's, so I do have a basis of comparison. I'll just say, right off the bat, that the sonic differences were immediately noticeable and an improvement.

I really liked the detail, separation, and soundstaging of the stock 93, though the vocals were more laid back than my previous player, a Philips 963SA. My main issue, and the one that led me on a mod search, was that the BDP-93 had a bit too much of an edge, leaning toward stridency, for my tastes.

I've found the Nuforce board to have a much smoother presentation, easier to listen to, while retaining all of the soundstaging and separation, and improvement of subtle detail. Both instruments and vocals have more presence and texture making then seem more realistic, and the vocals are a bit more forward now.

For any of you who have the same sonic concerns I did, I would encourage you to give this Nuforce board a try, especially considering the 30 day return policy.
Hi, Les. That's good to know as I bought the 93NE from Nuforce so I didn't have a chance to hear the 93 before modding. How many hours do you have on the unit? The reason I ask, there seems to be a fairly long breakin period on these players including the Oppo 95. But it is worth it. Also, sometime in the furture if you have an upgrade power cord laying around, try it. THe Oppos do respond well to a better PC. Happy listening and keep us updated. cheers, lloyd
Thanks, lloyd.

I probably had 50 to 60 hours on the 93 before I swapped out boards. The different characteristics (most all to the positive in my opinion) were immediately evident and it makes me wonder if the stock unit would have ever come around more to what I was looking for despite the number of break-in hours. I just think those two circuits are fundamentally different - both good - but I do prefer the Nuforce.

Of course I still have the original board and could do some long-term comparisons, but for right now I'm probably too lazy to do it, ha.