Reimyo cdp 777 vs Reimyo CDT 777

I am wondering if someone compared this 2 cdp's from Reimyo.There is a rumour going around that CDP -777 is better due to JVC transport and better DAC bulilt in.
Can anyone else chime in regarding this comparison? From my reading of reviews the 777 transport forms a great synergy with the 999 dac, but on its' own seems to be just mediocre...whereas the dac is seemingly world class.
Hi Lula. I have not compared my CDT777/999ex combonation with any other players at the same price league. But my conclusion is I have no reason too. To my ears it is what I have been looking for. Hope that helps little.
I have to add why. It really does paint a picture into the music. The mid range is something that I have been looking for in this hobby. The tone is very even and with authority. It excels with all types of music. If you have any further questions I will be pleased to try and answer them.
As per Whitewind saying the one box CDP777 sounds better. I cannot answer that (but if he is rite, then that means they never really improved the 999ex dac from the 777 dac).
I would like to compare the combo with the playback design player in cd. Many people (and reviews state that the Reimyo combo player is the best cd player available) say it is world class.