dcs Delius vs dcs Elgarplus DAC?

I just bought a dcs delius dac fed by a dcs purcell sampler playing music from an iMac being used as a server. Holy schmoly - this combo is a superb, organic, smooth, highly satisfying digital rig. I mean totally non-fatiguing, no digital glare/harshness or grain.

I know the elgar plus dac is supposed to be better. I want to know how much better than the delius dac? I should be satisfied for an eternity with the highly pleasing sonics. I am tempted to just say to heck with it and enjoy the great music. However, I just have to know - is the elgar plus an incremental or a big step up from the delius? If it is a big step up, the sound has to be stunningly good....
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjaymark
Wow. You guys are scaring me and my pocketbook. I got the pieces recently on the used Audiogon market.

I think for now I will take the advice of Gtfour45 and just enjoy my rig. The key part of this statement, I am sure, is "for now".

I listen to my system now EVERY night after work. This, to me, is a great sign of my satisfaction with what I am hearing given how busy I am.
I'm glad you can enjoy "what ,ya got". I mean it is always about how much you enjoy music; first.New pieces help in that regard. That is the motivation for all of us.

So, it's: is the glass 1/2 full,or---.Pretty much there's always going to be more / better.
Yes, I too owned those same pieces. I enjoyed them till I upgraded. Enjoy your new purchase!!!!
Fully agree. Always enjoy what you have got on hand. orget the Elgar and everything else for now.