Wadia 381 vs. dcs Puccini vs. EmmLabs CDSA SE

Any thoughts about strength an weaknesses of these players ?
Please lighten up. Audio is a hobby and as all hobbies go, to each his own. I wasn't criticising vinyl per se. Maybe pubul said it better - if analog and digital were comparable, would anyone choose analog? And I was talking about the future, not today. So, one day in the future, IF digital sounds as good as analog, most vinyl guys would switch unless they are into the rituals of playing LPs as a hobby in itself. And talking about PCM, that's today. Who knows what the future might bring in terms of mastering media? So, let us please make peace and go about our own hobby as we so desire. Thanks in advance.

no problem.

i composed a long response which further defended my turf.....and then thought better of it and deleted it.

if you are ever in the Seattle area come over and hear what i mean.

Mike, I agree with you, vinyl still sounds better than digital, I don't you get a debate on that - although you never know on Agon :).
I think we all agree that vinyl sounds better than digital today. But, in the future IF digital sounds as good as analog, then this debate will be resurrected..... Amen.