esoteric x05 vs sa50

Anyone compared the two? I read that SA50 has digital in so that will be pretty future proof, but is it on the same league as x05?
MIG or not, I don't know...but if you only add the 'cute little clock' in the mix...
SA-50 is on its way, what after market powercord are you using for your sa-50? thanks
Nordost Vishnu.........have not compared it to any others, or even the stock PC, Installed it new with the unit at the time of purchase. Very satisfied with the combo.
"what after market powercord are you using for your sa-50 "

I auditioned APL Hi-Fi player(based on SA-50)with Thunder from Spectron Audio(developed for very powerful amps). Excellent combo and the least expensive power cord in that class of performance.

All The Best
many thanks for the advice, I'm breaking in my SA-50 using Audience powerchord e-version, plenty of detail and top notch sound quality, at first i worry the sound might get too lean, but it turns out just right.
honestly i am not familiar with Spectron audio, but i'm open to any make of cables in the market really.