New Rega DAC

It's rumored that there will be a new Rega DAC coming out soon. Anyone have any info?
Yep, Got them in stock now. I have posted a comparison between the Rega DAC, the Cambridge Audio DacMagic, and the Music Hall 25.3 DAC on my blog:
If the new Isis is as special as people say it is, they've probably redefined the value proposition for a high-end CD player. Of course, there will always be audiophiles into trophy audio and brand names who will not consider the Rega.
I've had one for about a week now. Best way to describe the sound is that it sounds like a very good turntable. A touch warm and smooth, but not artificially so. Everything my Apollo did, the DAC more than one-ups.

And it's solidly built. I'd say it's on par with my Bryston B60 in this regard.
I just got my REGA DAC. It is a great DAC. I have the apollo player and the dac in my opinion is waay better. I also compared it to Bel Canto Dac1 I like the REGA DAC bettter. I got one of the earlier model and I am so glad I purchased one well worth the money at $1000.