california audio labs aria mk3 - opinions?

I have a chnace to get one locally. Does anyone own one of these? Any opinions?

Any opinion on how this one would compare to an AH/Tjoeb 4000?

Many thanks in advance for any insight.
The highs are a bit out of phase lending to the illusion of a very airy sound. The mid-bass has a nice punch and the lower bass is relatively well controlled. The sound stage is quite deep and tall. At this age, replacing some of the electrolytic caps is required. That means you have to take the unit apart. The ribbon cables are delicate and often fail. Then you are left with a boat anchor. Where do you live?
I'd appreciate if you answer my e-mail. Because if your not interested in this player, I may want to buy it depending on condition. Maybe you could instruct the seller to contact me.
In the meantime, I asked the repair facility in CT to help me find one.
