Need help with choosing a transport.

Currently I'm using a Rega Apollo purely as a transport and would like to replace it with a dedicated transport. I figure to be able to sell the Apollo for ~ $700 which I can turnaround and put into a transport. Here's the question: What's the best transport -- detailed, balanced, accurate, holographic, reliable -- $700 will buy?
pmboyd i see ! i wish i could recommend something worth while in the $700 range to use as a transport only...most of the really good transports are over the $1000 range..
actually just thought of one ...that would work great as a of the ARCAM units would be great for this application...dont remember the model #'rs but ...arcam is the way to go ...
In my experience, I would strongly recommend the CEC TL2, if you want to see what transports are all about. The TL2 is, unfortunately, a bit above your budget figure.

In your price range, there is currently listed a Parasound C/BD-2000 transport that is certainly worth a look.
pmboyd I have the same TADAC and I ended up using a Macbook connected to the TADAC with an audioquest toslink. This has been the best sounding combination I have ever heard. Will compete with all the multi-thousand dollar high end names. The Macbook also gives you the flexibility to use it as a server or internet radio. But as a redbook transport this combo is tough to beat at any price range. I'm using Bugle boy 12au7 at the moment. The RCA clear tops also sound as good for allot less money.
I'm in no hurry, my Apollo is just fine for the time being.
If I sell some stockpiled tubes, I could go up to $1,000 for the transport. Incidentally, for all those TADAC owners, after trying many different NOS 12AU7s I like the early Amperex long plates best of all.