dcs wordclock

I have heard dcs owners say the external clock is worth the investment. Can any one say why it works better? I'm talking about two components (delius and verdi), not three. I could understand a clock for three components, but how can two components connected at the clock be bettered ? Has anyone tried the esoteric clock with the wordclock connection? Does the wordclock connection work differently than the other one (whatever that is). Thanks
I agree this is a healthy price tag to pay for an important but subtle improvement however I'd like to point out that it is not until you listen with the clock (and break it in) and then remove it that you realize just how truly comprehensive the improvement using the clock was/is...
I added the Verona word clock to my Verdi, Purcell, Delius combination. I am very satisfied with the improvement.
Most of my other equipment is Goldmund. It all sounds great.