Wadia 170iTransport - To mod, or not to mod?

It's been about a year now with my iTransport so I thought it was time to research mods and get opinions, recommendations.

I became interested after recently seeing the CIAudio VDC 9.0 power supply. Would this make a difference though since I plug mine into a Walker VelocitorS already? It's almost the price of the iTransport too. Plus it would require another power cord.

I'm sure there's various internal parts that would benefit, but the only other mod I had considered was upgrading the SPDIF RCA jack to a WBT NextGen Ag. I wonder if Wadia has made any changes since mine?
Bombaywalla thx for the info. computeraudiophile is a good site for the latest in computer audio info.

I have had nothing but good experiences with Doug at ASi. In what way is he a poor businessman?
Nrostov i should't have said i think asi mods are a rip off because i have not listen to their mods however people that i have spoken to in the audio business tell me that putting any kind of clocks really don't work. I guess the only way to find out is when you get your back.
Several of the people saying that putting clocks inside the Wadia will do nothing are the same people selling clocks to put outside the Wadia. Do these people have a reasonable explanation how a clock inside the Wadia is worthless, but outside is pure magic? I would like to know, but haven't seen an explanation that makes sense yet.
Noshortcuts your right the couple of people that i have talked to in the mod and audio business tell me that clocks will not work inside of the wadia. Then turn around and try to sell me their outboard jitter device that has a clock in it, go figure.