Replacement for Vandersteen 2ci

I have had Vandersteen 2ci speakers for about 20 years. I am looking to upgrade them with something that has an equal or preferably smaller footprint (39.75" high x 16" wide x 10.25" deep) with same or better sound quality presence.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

My electronics are BAT 3iX and BAT VK55.

Need to know your budget and what changes you are looking for from the 2cis. Albert's suggestion is a good one. Triangles are very nice and good prices to be had on their previous line- Celius maybe. Might want to consider Merlin VSM series which is a small footprint floor stander that mates very well w tube gear. That's what I went to after VAndies (2ci to 3Asig to Merlin.
Thanks for the suggestions. I would like to keep the price below $3000 new or used. I like the spaciousness of the Vandersteen sound. It is very open and the speakers really disappear when you listen. I also liked the way it handles voices. Very natural.
Swampwalker - Being that you had Vandys what was the sound difference in going to the Merlins?
possibly the Totem Forests....with the right electronics...they would have tighter bass and better imaging than your 2ci's. Used price on the gon is 1600-2000. They have a fairly small cabinet and can extend as low as the upper 20hz. good luck!