Indispensable Tool!

Here is an indispensable tweak that delivers on its promise! After a couple of passes, use Cut 3 every couple of weeks to "perk up" your system.

I'm in no way affiliated with Tellurium Q.




                                       ps: HAPPY LISTENING!

Have had the Ayre disc for many years and it is now ripped to my server. Track 7, Full Glide Tone, on repeat at very low volume works well for burning in new components. It is sort of the equivalent of warming up your car, many do it even though some say it shouldn’t make a difference. I don’t care what “many do” or what “some say” - I have it and use it, but one is enough and I certainly wouldn’t consider it an “Indispensable Tweak”.

The Cardas inspired Arye CD is fantastic , Cardas has a vinyl version of Track 7 .