Denon Universal

I don't know wich way to go. Denon has just introduced there new universal blu ray player wich plays all formats SACD etc etc... Do you think it's better to get a seperate redbook player such as Wadia or Ayre or just stick with one player?
The new Denon Blu Ray will be listed at 3800.00. It is on the front page at avs forum
Oppo is apparently working on one, I wasn't too thrilled with their 981 HD (just sold it on craigslist) but if the price is right I may get this for my living room system as I don't play much audio and it will certainly see use for DVD and Blu-Ray.
IMHO, I would get a separate player for Blu-ray/DVD and a separate player for dvd/Sacd. I've never been a fan of mixing audio/video in one box. You can get an excellent blu-ray/DVD player for under $300 (Panny BD35). Use the balance of your budget on a top quality audio player. Just my .02