Beginner streaming questions?

Thought I would try streaming, have purchased a Lumin T2. Now trying free trials with Quboz and Tidal. Tidal has the connect feature with the Lumin and the gap between songs with the Tidal connect the next song on the same album is minimal, if I use the Lumin app with Quboz the gap between next song on the same album is a minimum of 30 seconds. If I use the Lumin app with the Tidal connect turned off with the same situation as before the time frame is around 15 seconds. I have read where Qobuz was coming out with their own Qobuz Connect - but when. I have only had the Lumin for two days but is this slow response from Qobuz through the Lumin app typical or is there other solutions. Thanks for your responses and happy listening.


just checked Lumin app no gapless playback supported


Soix     I might try MConnect + thanks for the reply

Definitely something wrong here with your set-up, hardware or wifi. I use both Qobuz and Tidal with a Lumin U2 Mini and the gap between tracks on the same album or on a playlist is a second or two using the Lumin app.