TADAC owners - which best 12au7 tubes?

TADAC owners. Which 12au7 tubes have you /tried used to replace the stock chinese tubes?
What has been your listening experience with the ones used?
Which tube do you find gives the best performance?
Your comments are appreciated!
I have used Mullard CV4003 in my TADAC. I bought them from upscale audio. this is their page for CV4003 with reviews at the bottom of the page. I am not good at writting what I hear so the reviews echo my own feelings on these tubes.

I just ordered a TADAC and would also appreciate input from other TADAC owners.

I have owned one for about 10 months. I first switched out the Chinese tubes for a pair of French Mazdas, recommended and bought from Brent Jesse. After about 200 hours of break-in, I noticed an increase in soundstage. About another 200 hours later, the soundstage had really opened up.

Looking for Nirvana, I bought a pair of Tele smooth plates from Brent Jesse again. I'm still in the burn in stage (about 250 hours), but find the detail a bit better than the Mazdas, but the soundstage has a way to go.