US source of Panzerholtz?

Wanting to purchase enough for a couple plinths... one for my Technics SP10 MK3 and the other to finish a Lenco PTP project.


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My most recent searches of Delignit products has shown that Densified Wood Product that is Carbonwood is a little difficult to acquire information on in a public domain, maybe a improved information is available through an inquiry to the Company. 

Yes, I had Precision Composite Industries make me a custom replacement Albert Porter panzerholz armboard and am very happy with it. I toyed around with the idea of commissioning a new dual-armed Albert Porter style Technics SP-10 series plinth, but I personally didn't have a real need. I'm pretty if someone supplied them with the specs it would be a lot more affordable than the Artisan Fidelity equivalent.

I have been searching for an affordable plinth builder that could make a multi-arm plinth for my SP10 MK3 and I can free it from it's factory plinth and be able to use mono and stereo cartridges mounted on the same plinth.
Really would like a 'naked' plinth, as this allows the use of shorter arms and eliminates the absorbed distortions of the aluminum trim piece.

Anwesh can be contacted via the Link.

There are numerous items that are able to be achieved using Permali as the Resin Impregnated Densified Wood.

The Spec' for the Permali being used is very similar to Panzerholz.