New Technics SL-1200GR2

What a time to be alive - more innovation and refinement from one of the worlds best!  I've been rocking an original fully upgraded KAB unit for a while, but be told the new units have always piqued my interest.  Seems like they spent time and effort to improve the drive system mainly.  Wondering if anyone had a chance to look through the specs? 



The GR2 is new and has not been reviewed.  I have not heard it.  My comments must be interpolated by you and I hope they help.  I had a fully KAB upgraded SL1200, which I am assuming is similar to yours.  When the new SL-1200GAE came out I traded for one.  The GAE in terms of form, fit and function is pretty much a match for the current G.  So it is twice the price of the GR2 that you are looking at.  Looking at my notes from back when I made the trade, the GAE was an improvement over the KAB SL1200, but the differences were subtle.  There was slightly greater clarity particularly in the upper mids, for example on piano that I attributed to the arm.  The arm of the GAE/G is magnesium.  The arm on both the KAB/SL1200 and on the GR2 are aluminum.  You need to reflect on that fact.  I could detect no cogging from either tt, nor could I really detect any significant differences in speed stability, wow & flutter and the like.  The GAE was better, but not by leaps and bounds. My guess is that a GR2 and your KAB modded unit would be very similar in performance. 





Why not write Kevin and get his thoughts. I am sure many here would like to know what he thinks.

Bill / Elliot -- you guys read my mind.  

@billstevenson :  I don't think there are many with your direct experience with both.  I appreciate your thoughts.  Truth is, when the new line of 1200 were announced, I was itching for an upgrade.  I've modded mine over the past many years and it's all DIY (pretty good DIYer imo ;)).  So, it was nice to think that all the upgrades were 'built in' from the factory.  In the end, I opted to wait.  

I'm quite happy with the KAB 1200 - it fits the bill for now.  though, I'm always looking for the next platform to build upon.