ARC REF 150SE vs REF 160S

I currently have a Ref 6SE and Ref 150 driving a pair of Vandersteen 5a Carbons.  Over time I have gradually worked my way up from Vandy 2s and an ARC VT100.  Keeping with that theme, I am ready for another move up.  I am torn between just upgrading the Ref150 (when ARC is able) or blowing the bank on a Ref 160S.  Both are great amps, but I am interested in opinions on the comparison.  The 160S meters don’t move me and I enjoy biasing my own power tubes.  Will the 160S change my life?


Curous if you are still happy with your 160S or have moved up to the 160M MkIIs

I have had the 75SE for a few years and have grown quite attached.  I was able to audition a 150SE for a couple weeks and while the bass was a bit cleaner and punchier, it didn't blow me away.  I also added a Shunyata Hydra Triton that also cleaned up the bass and made it punchier so didn't leave me missing the 150SE.  This make me think I will just be disappointed if I jump to a big money upgrade for the new series.  I don't think I could ever own a 150 or 150SE due to the biasing process.  I love the simplicity of the 75SE and being able to adjust as often as I want to keep them in the sweet spot and make sure I don't have a tube that can no longer stay in bias.  For this reason, I have considered the GS150.  I read somewhere that it is essentially the 150SE with a different design.  Anyone audition one of those or know anyone with one?

I still have the 160s and I don’t really have the room for a pair of mono amps.  I have, however, traded in the Vandersteens for a pair of Wilson Sasha DAWs (don’t hate me).  The Wilsons are easier to drive and they really sing with ARC, especially since adding an ARC Phono REF3SE.   Everything is great except perhaps the heat from all the tubes during the past Summer and the hand wringing over replacement tubes (now basically resolved.) surely seems like a fabulous amp.  Have any other differences stood out since your last post about the improved soundstaging?  Sometimes it takes a while for our brain and ears to fully appreciate a change.  

Why would anyone hate you??  I love my Wilson Sophia 1....had them for about 5 years.  I have been curious about Vandersteen, maybe I will try one day.  I picked up a pair of Alexia 1 a few weeks ago but my room didn't allow for them to be in the best position so have them posted for sale.  I almost got the DAW instead so now wonder if that would have been a better match for my room.  

The tube replacement is a bummer.  Keep an eye on your options and grab an extra set unless you buy from ARC and they will surely be ready to ship a set when you need them.  Seems like you have built a great system that won't need major updates for many years....enjoy!