What happened to all the highend stereo shops

What happened to high end stereo shops I mean real high-end stereo shops. I am 78, my father bought me my first stereo when I was 12, I have been hooked ever since. I remember the days when you can go to a nice audio store and not just audition what they had in the store but if you saw a couple of tuners, preamps or some cables that you liked, you could give them a blank check and take the equipment home to audition on your system. Bring one or both back Pay for what you want to keep or get your check back. I don’t understand how someone can buy an expensive piece of audio equipment and not audition it in their system first. Many places today, you buy it and your stuck with it. OH yes you can sell it on Audiogon or eBay. Reviewers are nice and give good reviews but the problem I have is the equipment they are auditioning  is on their system in their treated music room which is going to be different than what you have. 

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I've not had great experiences going into high end shops in the past few years: 

- When I was upping my game I wanted to hear the upper line of Martin logan speakers, largely bc I've love them since I was a kid but also because those models 15a 13a 11a were designed to self correct in an asymmetrical room such as ours. And I wanted to hear a variety of top grade amps. The first place in nyc basically told me i was an idiot if i bought anything other than B&W driven by Mcintosh. Left without listening to them.  They had the ML but didn't want to play them for me.   

- The other NYC place was pretty great, I'll give them (always liked d and respected them) that but didn't have the gear i thought we wanted.  We did like the guys but didn't like the top B&Ws at all. Rockports sounded good but still wanted to hear those MLs.

- Went to a place upstate on the way to our country place and at first one guy seemed pretty cool and I bought a piece of two but then they insulted me and my wife as we were leaving without realizing we could totally hear them behind the fake wall. I don't think they raise everyone can hear their snide/condescending comments,  but they blew a pretty good sale since i liked some of their gear and it was in the running for the pricier gear we bought.   

 - And lyric shut down before i could get back there, seriously, i nearly cried. Maybe i did.  Loved them since i was a teenager.   

- started looking for other showrooms and gave up, just started picking up on good deals I found on gear I knew I Cid make my money back on:  


Pass 350.8, vac sig II, holo may kte, aurendar n200, rel 812's, and my favorite: martin Logan CLX Art speakers.  Ppl weep when they hear their favorite songs on them.   

But man, I do wish there was a great store that I could've bonded with someone over the cultivating of this remarkable system. 

P.S so hard to proof a post here on s cellphone! Anyhow, sorry for all the typos, hope it's understandable and also, I did get to bond with two new audio guru friends, but it would've been nice to have made an in-store buddy who'd show off their latest gear to me,  etc



 #1 You need to go read your Bible ! God created Adam in his own image. Wo-man came later from one of man's ribs ! Woman was created to be subservient and to aid or assist man. Who are you worshipping? Ashtar ? Lilith ? 

 #2 Go read Psalms 82:1 Obviously you've chosen the wrong god, with a little g !

 #3 You need to go read your 1st Amendment Rights too, you got it all wrong !

 #4 My censorship incident with this website will not be forgotten nor taken lightly when the time comes,,,

Post removed 

The same question can be asked about many types of retail store.  Bookstores, hardware stores,  office supply stores, camera shops etc.  I would say that the Internet is the primary reason.