subwoofer buzz - how to eliminate it

MartinLogan Dynamo 700w 

At low frequencies, it vibrates, like it wants to fall apart. It does have a rubber feet, sitting on a hardwood floor, what could prevent it? Isolation feet? More rubber? Also it's facing the floor but can be turned sideways, would that help?


hopefully you can fix the buzzing noise.  but you would definitely benefit from having a Auralex Sub-Dude-II isolation platform for the sub.  It isolates the sub from the floor.  great, inexpensive ($60) product that works.



@fred60 I am very inclined to try it, is it just a piece of foam with a piece of mdf on top? Do I need something between the sub and the platform, like springs?

all you need is the Auralex.  the sub, including the feet, will sit on top of the platform.  simple stuff.  it keeps the sub from radiating onto the floor, which brings all kinds of issues, like rattling floor boards, etc.  it works very well for me, i have 2 JL Audio subs that sit on the platforms.

@grislybutter I previously suggested both the Nobsound springs and the Auralex Subdude in part because the Nobsound feet have free 30-day returns, so you can decide if any additional isolation benefit is worth it to you. They isolate in a different way than the foam on the Subdude, so it will have additive benefits; neither solution being perfect by itself. They are very effective and inexpensive. The point made above about using three feet vs four only applies to spikes, not spring loaded feet. Lastly, the Nobsounds perform best with a foam earplug stuffed inside of some of the springs for a damping factor. Best of luck

thanks @gladmo I wish there was one platform for all these, there probably is, for big $$$

My only issue with the springs is the height/look but if it works, fine.