Infinity Kappa 9 S EMIT not functioning or Hearing Loss?

First post after lurking for a couple years, so please be gentle.

I recently acquired a set of Kappa 9s. I know, I know, "amp killers," "poor design," etc. I'm having fun with them for now, so I'm willfully overlooking that part. Currently bi-amped with Audio Research Dual 75 running the top end. A more "budget" 2 channel solid state amp I pillaged from my home theater setup is temporarily running the bottom end with the bass extension of the 9s switched to off.

Question. Is it possible the frequency range of the S EMIT up top is out of my hearing range? I play test tones and the top of my range is somewhere between the 14kHz and 15kHz, but I don't think it's coming from them, rather the EMIT below. This is the case with the S EMIT on BOTH speakers. 

I used my 8 year old as a test subject and he said he can definitely hear sound emanating from the top S EMIT, starting around 19kHz. Being the skeptic I am, can I trust that he's hearing from the S EMIT and not the EMIT below?

I thought the S EMITs were crossed over around 10kHz, so I should hear something from them. I'm really far from a technical wizard or electrical expert. Physically digging into and testing crossovers and whatnot is a bit over my head.

There's another forum that has seems to have a more Infinity focused following, but I can't seem to create an account or search the site for whatever reason, so I'm turning to the experts here.


P.S. I've learned SO MUCH from you all, reading most of the top discussions delivered to my inbox every night for the last 2+ years.  




@ross6860 is there a way to measure the drivers accurately without de-soldering the wires?  I have assumed that connected you might be measuring the driver and the crossovers. (Accountant here not engineer 😜)

@ervikingo Not that I'm aware.  I would cut a lead and re-solder.  Soldering on an old EMIT tab can be a challenge if you aren't careful.

Stupid question.

How do you respond to a member so that they get a notification?

Typing @membername does not appear to work.

@ross6860 i hear ya. That’s why I have not messed with mine. Just visual inspection and sticking my ears to them. 

regarding your other question; I have no idea but it would be nice if it worked. 

@ervikingo I get notifications by email.  Looks like the drop-down member list is used instead of typing in the members name.