Best way to set up computer server on the cheap?

I recently got a cheap but new PC with XP home which has a cd/dvd burner in it, and I really like the xp media server interface and am thinking of using a computer to take the place of some or all of my mid to high end front end of my home theater.
1. Where can I find "starter" info on the most cost effective way to do this and get comparible performance to my existing front end which is currently the NAD 585 universal player(1k) and I have used the Yamaha Musiccast as a music server....
2. Can I expect to get ok sound just by adding a descent sound card and coax digital connection to my Arcam AVR300 and use it as the DAC?
3. If so, which sound card?
If I can better the Yamaha's sound for library music, I would be happy for starters, as I expect to still have to use a good dvd player to get ok video scaling for my LG 50" plasma, OR will I?
Any help for these question would be greatly appreciated....Thanks
I would answer #2 and #3 as yes, and the M-Audio 24/96 sound card. Relatively cheap, easy to install, allows for direct bit-streaming. New is around $149, though ebay would undoubtedly do better than that.

The cheapest way to do what you're suggesting is to use Windows Media Player and the purchased sound card. WMP can rip the music to your hard drive, and provide the playback interface. My guess is that you'll get very good sound out of this setup. There are many threads on other tools for ripping / playing back, and all the benefits of getting away from WMP - many of the tools are free. Basically, all you need is some time to experiment and an internet connection, in addition to a way to generate a direct bit-stream feed out of the computer, and you're good to go.
I am using a PC with windows XP as a music server (no video - it's too old!).
I use a soundcard with optical output (chaintech 7.1 channel - 20 bucks on ebay) and an external DAC (the beresford tc-7510 ~150$ from
Its a killer DAC which is nearly as good as the benchmark.
EAC to rip tunes using flac.
FooBar2000 to play tunes.
I tried the kernel streaming bypass but it just slowed down my machine with no noticable difference in sound.
In any case, the sound from my setup is easily as good as my rotel CDP and is much better for enjoying my whole cd collection.
If you're willing to use iTunes, and rip everything into Aiff or 320kbps MP3, you can get an Airport Express for $90 and stream everything wirelessly.

It's got a built in DAC, probably not the best, but better than nothing, or you can connect via optical into your system.

See how it works out, it's only $90 and really convenient. Especially if you eventually end up getting a laptop. I love my Macbook, but all this stuff works for PC as well.