audiophile music servers the latest products, info

I am very interested in a music server and would like to know more about the latest products and information. I have been doing homework and still not sure if I can get the best audiophile sound out of a server. I have Wilson Audio W/P 7s and Krell 350 Mono blocks. I would love the convenence of puting all my 1,500 CD on a hard drive, but if I have to sacrifice any sound quality I will pass for now. My question is, is there a product out there now that is up-to-speed with the best CD players? Which ones? and what options should I be looking at? Thanks for your feedback!!!!
I'd look at the Linn and McIntosh music servers. The Linn has garnished some very good reviews. I'm sure the same for the Mac.
I have listened to many music servers and found great variations. The only two that much interested me are the Exemplar and the Blue Smoke. I bought the Exemplar and still love it.
I completely agree about the Paradigm change in the "music replay ritual" associated with music server - you will never go back. But, what surprised and delighted me was the world-class digital playback which a Lavry DA-10 DAC brought to my system. Few, if any CD players can even come close.

I sold my Naim CDX + XPS ($9K) after hearing my squeezebox digital output into a Lavry DA-10 DAC ($975). On the Naim forum, there are several who claim that an apple MacBook or Mac mini Toslink into the DA-10 outperforms their Naim CDS3 players ($17K). This I believe, as the sound I am hearing is better than any CD player I have ever heard, by a wide margin.

A friend brought by his Rega Apollo over for comparison, and was shocked at the difference ("wipes floor with..."). Once the word gets around, you will not be able to sell you CD player for a doorstop. Give it a try, you will be amazed!

Squeezebox or even better Transporter with a good outboard DAC will do the trick for under $2K
The Wadia 170i + Ipod is a great sounding server for $600! In fact, this combination sounds as good as my MBL 1621 transport, which retail price is 20 times that of the Wadia/Ipod combo!
