Pass Labs XP32 or XP22?

I am considering buying Pass Labs, specifically the XA60.8 monoblocks. I am hoping that someone familiar with the preams could advise me.  XP22 or XP32?

Thank you


Aric is great advice! He has taken great care of me. I can't say anything about the Pass labs gear. But I can confirm, Aric builds magic!

Brought to by Aric Audio! When you think Pass Labs preamps think Aric Audio; when you think Aric Audio think Pass Labs preamps!

(I'm just having a go 🙃🙄, I'm not being serious) I'm actually a big fan of no preamps vs preamps so I can't recommend them. 



I run a Rogue RH-5 pre with a Pass Labs XA-25. I am extremely impressed with this match. For me there is something magical happening here. I used to own a Rogue RP-7 and paired that with a multitude of tube and SS amps. I was never disappointed with the performance. With that said, if I was to obtain a pair of 60.8s (which I am looking into) I likely would opt for a Rogue RP-9.

"Backert and believe me you will never look back. I have a Rhythm Extreme paired with a Pass XA 30.8. They sound fantastic together. I’ve been in this hobby since the very early 70’s and I’m here to tell you I felt as if I hit the jackpot with this combination."

Are you sure you don’t mean a Rhumba Extreme of a Rhythm 1.3?



I won't own another Rogue Audio, it isn't that the products are bad, but the owner was a jerk to me.