WBT Banana Connectors

I recently acquired some Canare 4s11G to make speaker cables. 10ft runs, for JBL L100s and a Marantz 2270. Has anyone used, or a fan of the the WBT Bananas? I am considering the copper version, silver a bit out of budget. Also would welcome hearing experiences on working with them making cables. Thank you!



I’m worried about the weight and stiffness of the cables too, and also managing what to do on the back of the Marantz with the small spring connections.


Pin to Spade or Pin to Banana. Leave the backend of that Marantz alone (original) unless you’re eager, willing, daring and have the technical know-how for such a mod. Reconfigure your rack to where the 2270 could / can be set close to the floor in order of cable support, or support cables with various technics. You’ll want to relieve sag! Trust me, I have a Marantz 2270 ....

I have always preferred bananas over spades.   AECO make an interesting spade that may be a good low mass option.  I remember the years ago loving the heft of an expandable WBT banana.  Thought it enhanced the audio performance.  Come to realize, it was just connector jewelry.

I have transitioned to solid core conductors and with proper cable routing, provides less strain at the banana.  

Fun hobby...right?



I was thinking to trim a strand or two away from the copper and just go bare into the Marantz. (is that a crazy idea?) I was lucky and found a 2270 with no mods and clean, I’m going to leave it original for sure. Great ideas about strain relief on the cables. @dabel – what cables and speakers are you enjoying with your 2270?

@mbolek - yes it is! 😄

Appreciate all of the info above! Lots to think about + excited to get these speaker cables to work.