Audio Dropping Out on Rega Apollo and Saturn

I borrowed a Rega Apollo and Saturn for home audition from my local dealer.

On both CD players, I experienced audio drop outs from some of my CDs as they were playing. I noticed that these CDs did have some minor scratches, but nothing major. When I would play these same CDs on my Jolida JD100 CD player, I never experienced these problems.

Are there any Rega Apollo or Saturn owners that have experienced this problem with some of their CDs? It seems like to me that Rega does not have a very good error correction system as the laser scans the CD. So if you do happen to have some CDs with scratches, it could hinder an otherwise pleasant listening experience.

If there is no clear explanation or work-around for this, then I have no choice but to remove these players from my consideration.
Since I've unplugged it overnight on approx 3/17, I haven't had any problems. I've tried doing all the things that made it freeze up before, and it hasn't happened. For arguement's sake, I don't leave it on 24/7 (never have), and listen about 3-4 times per week.
Unfortunately no.. I always wondered how they compared.. considering the 840c is almost $1,000 less!
Wow, I did not realize my initial thread would strike such a chord with the Audiogon community. But welcomed all the responses/feedback that was received.

Just an update..........

I decided not to purchase a Rega CD player after all, based on my user experiences with the Apollo and Saturn dealer demos. I chose an Ayre CX7e instead for a couple of months. But was not really a synergistic match with my system, a little too analytical sounding for my taste. I finally settled on a mint Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1 tube CD player and am very happy now.