Has anyone been able to define well or measure differences between vinyl and digital?

It’s obvious right? They sound different, and I’m sure they measure differently. Well we know the dynamic range of cd’s is larger than vinyl.

But do we have an agreed description or agreed measurements of the differences between vinyl and digital?

I know this is a hot topic so I am asking not for trouble but for well reasoned and detailed replies, if possible. And courtesy among us. Please.

I’ve always wondered why vinyl sounds more open, airy and transparent in the mid range. And of cd’s and most digital sounds quieter and yet lifeless than compared with vinyl. YMMV of course, I am looking for the reasons, and appreciation of one another’s experience.


True vynil is very good but you can enjoy digital as well? To just simply enjoy , I have a good digital source and analog.

Bipod72.. Welcome.. Your poet covers a lot how I experienced both digital and vynil.please post more. We will learn from a lot from you.Thanks

Thank you @johnread57 . I don’t normally put mich stock in his videos but he does have access to the process. He seems to support my claim above that vinyl is noticeably different no matter how perfect the vinyl it is still changing the sound.