Is it worth to get 2 m Nodorst vs 1m

I have the opportunity to buy a couple of Nordost power cords, Tyr and Frey at a 15 discount. I auditioned the cords in a one meter length and they made a nice improvement. The dealer quotes NOrdost as saying, it will sound better in a 2 meter. I have a dedicated circuit for my Qbase strip which has the whole stereo plugged in. I thought i read somewhere that a dedicated circuit makes the longer length improvement questionable. Adding another meter to both increases cost by about 1000. They already cost close to 5,000 so this would be closer to 6,000.   I can’t test any of this. I just have to make a decision. Would like your thoughts. Thanks.


@urbie  "Stupid & foolish? " Get off your high horse pal.  No where did I state that OFC is better than OCC , or anything else technical. Likewise, I didn't state any criticism positive or negative  of Neotech as I haven't heard them. I also didn't state anything one way or the other about Nordost, Infigo . or Transparent or MIT as I haven't heard them  Why, because unlike you I don't make absolute statements , nor definitive critical statements about   a product that I haven't heard. And, as far as  Infigo goes, it sends out demos; with you just a 4 hour trek away it would have been a perfect opportunity for you to actually have arranged a comparison. Now whether or not you'd allow yourself to have conducted an open minded assessment  and then have provided credible commentary of listening impressions is a whole other story. Probably not likely.

@facten He is a child that was shorted in the brains and manhood department. No point even engaging this child.

BTW @urbie spending $70K on a system does not make you an expert on anything.

I have more in my digital frontend than you have in your entire system. So easy there slick.


don't have to arrange a comparison if you don't know by now that ofc wire is inferior to OCC then that's your tough luck ofc wire has at the best 70 Crystal barriers per foot OCC has none so I don't have to compare them to know which one is going to be better you can't change the laws of physics sorry.

Post removed 

urbie,  it is not worth engaging with you further as you obviously have nothing worthwhile to share.