Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!



Yes! beetlemania is the MAN! at DIY. I will search for the initial  page that kicks off his upgrading XO talk.


Happy Listening!



start with Page 190. The XO upgrade talk begins there, moving forward. Take your time as there is much to digest. It is good to have another DIY'er on the panel.


Happy Listening!

Whoa Tom, you are a huge fountain of knowledge, thank you for sharing that information!!! Its very cool to know these are the older crossovers from the factory. I guess I should have trusted my ears over my eyes for these.I saw all the various bypass and parallels and made the assumption these were modded, there is a noticeable difference in crossover build quality from one speaker to the next. I will see if I can shift things around in the one crossover to clean things up. I am going to read the thread starting where Jafant linked to catch up to what has been posted, hopefully that will help me decide what path to take with these, the board in one speaker looks like it will be tough to upgrade with very tight fit and some funky wire routing in some areas, sort of leaning towards new boards so I can just keep these as they are and also to retain some history a bit. I dunno, what do you all think? Thanks all for your help!

jafant - The 2.4s I bought from oblgny (thank you) are #s 2093, 2094 which is about halfway through the product life of 2300 pair. I'll be interested to see the particulars of their crossovers when I get inside them.

halifax - your #s 293/4 are the highest #s of old LEX boards I have seen. Rob G had estimated around # 250 was changeover to FST / China.

If and as you consider new boards, it would be best to layout new boards to accommodate larger parts. All of the upgrade caps are larger than stock caps.

I suggest sitting with what you have for now and keep in touch about further refinements later. I have a hunch there's plenty to love with what you have now.