Do headphones requiere break-in?

Hi all! I just got a set of Grados SR60i headphones following some very good reviews about them, but I not happy with their sound: dark sound, rolled-off highs, bass wimpy, but the mids are ok. Do they need some break-in time to sound at their best? If so about how much time? Thanks!
Hi Dmacg

Thanks for sharing again. Wow info straight from John Grado. Very cool. I don't think I would have the gumption to ask him why there should be a 4-6 hour rest between break-in either.
"I didn't have the gumption to ask him to explain the whys and wherefors, just thought he knows what he's talking about.

What a wasted oppourtunity. One of THEM actually stepped down from Mt Olympus to speak with us mortals, and you froze!!! How could you not have asked him!
It was many years ago at an audio show. Maby next time.
Oh, and Jedinite24, What I meant is to give them a break (an hour or two) after 4-6 hours of playing music. I should have been more clear.