I'm at the pearly gates and they tell me I can only bring in one jazz cd

Prez and Teddy (Lester Young and Teddy Wilson). To my fellow jazz fans if you've never checked this out do so. I play it again...and again...and.......


Sucks you can bring only one, because the Lord has a heavenly system.

More seriously, why would you need to bring anything?  All those jazz are in heaven.  Live show every night!

it is unlikely that any of us will go to heaven (it's too hard to deserve it) ... and in hell it will hurt so much that there is no time for music ... only eternal tears of flour and screaming - without the ability to change it.

Tough assignment. I might have to go with Undercurrent by Bill Evans and Jim Hall…just because it’s underrepresented and i KNOW someone will share their copy of Kind of Blue

Yeah, I'm afraid I'll be passing through fiery gates, but I'd have to bring Kind of Blue with me. That recording still effects me, and one I've never grown tired of. Plus, down there, it will likely be my only respite to chill a bit.