Any tricks to remove drivers from a (sticky) cabinet

im trying to remove my drivers but they’re still sticking  on cabinet even all screws were off. Tricks, help?
My Sonus Faber has leatherette covered the front baffle…


I know you were kidding.  I did like the idea, but, I just thought it was an opportunity to again push the safest way to do this.  I saw the result of an "accident" at a dealership where the driver was being pulled from a $30,000 pair of speakers and the front panel was gouged (a speaker without a grill cloth).  The result meant ordering a new pair for the customer.  

+1 for Mitch2. Being a long time Alon,Nola owner, I've pulled many of their drivers and the only safe way to do it is with a jacking screw as described. Prying a driver out is only asking for trouble/damage to the cabinet and/or driver.

Ok, I’ll try the technique as Mitch2 mentioned;  using a (right fit) metal screw to woofer’s metal lip and carefully pull out driver. Wish me luck

What I did was not unsimilar to what is shown in the posted video.  Definitely protect the face of the cabinet with something soft enough not to scratch and firm enough to not allow a dent in case something goes a little wrong.  Carl at Alon/Nola used an everyday product called Mortite rope caulk to seal the drivers in his acoustic suspension boxes, and it was a bear to peal a driver away from so proceed with caution - it is not a race!