Need some Cart recommendations, $300 - $700 (New/Used) range…warm, full, yet great def.

As always…all thoughts welcomed…but actual experience is preferred.



Background: I want my records to sound like records (full, organic, etc.) not cds (I say this because I’ve had and heard several hi end turntable/cart combos that sounded sterile and analytical… I hate that). I don’t care if it’s coloration I’m seeking or not. If you have a problem with this notion…that’s ok but please don’t debate it here.

Right now I’m very satisfied with all aspects of my system…just want to have an extra cart to rotate in.



I have the following

-Turntable is Vintage Kyocera p701 (think old HK, AR suspended design…uses ceramics to dampen) it’s an awesome table worthy of even very high end carts.

-cart is a Hana SL …which I really really like after wasting a lot of time and money on other carts. (And no, not ruling out the ML…but wouldn’t mind a bit of a different sound signature)

-Phono pre- PS Audio Stellar- love this too…landed on after many disappointments and wasted $. My pre should accommodate most suggestions and it’s not going to change.


I am open to MM, MI, or MC…but seems like we are moving toward MC?


As mentioned/implied above…I like FULL/LUSH sound


Carts I’ve liked: Shelter 201 (awesome for the money!), Shure Vintage Carts (M95ED?), Hanna SL

Carts I think I’d like: Nagoka, Grado

Carts I haven’t liked: dynavectors, ortofon red, blue, bronze, and, omg, Rega Exact (yuk!) 😉


re. Grado…sounds like these may be my exact cup of tea…but, possibly foolishly, from what I’ve heard, I worry about hum and weight… Definitely would love some input from folks with actual experience here! I am intrigued by Grado.


I’ll try to find some specs in mean time.


Thanks in advance.





By the way, Schitt includes a Decca position on the gain control in their Mani phono pre-amp (30dB), and Zesto a Decca setting on the impedance control in their phono stage (15kHz).

Is that what someone running a Sound-Smith should use?

Sumiko-Amethyst Came up in another discussion, never heard it, sure would like to. Only 2.5mv, is your system quiet at the raised volume that might need?

I recently switched from an Ortofon Blue to the Amethyst. Honestly one of the best bang for the bucks upgrades I've ever made. Just hits the right balance between accurate and warm. 

Marantz TT-S1 > Mobile Fidelity Studio Phono

For your budget I would look for a used/broken Denon DL-103 cartridge and send it off to Steve at VAS for a basic elliptical tip rebuild. That puts you at about $250 for the cartridge. Than go on Yahoo Buyee and set up an account, this lets you purchase off of the Japanese market. Use Google translate to read the descriptions. Your looking for a Denon AU-340 SUT, they come up often, are very well built and use Tamuri transformers. This SUT offers 2 gain options, is a perfect match for your rebuilt DL-103 plus has a pass through switch. One of the best bargains around.

For your budget this will yield a very high value/dollar option and deliver just the kind of sonic's your looking for. There is a reason the DL-103/SUT has such a cult following. No other cartridge has been in continuous production for almost 60 years, must be a reason.

