everything sounded great until the upgrade

In short: I loved the sound of my modest system, until I upgraded my amp. Now it  sounds pretty horrible. It went from a warm sweet embracing easy-to-listen sound to knives and forks trying to escape from a bathtub.


1. I can just unplug this new amp (used) and sell it

Any other options? I could upgrade my speakers but I have no budget for that.

2. I could sell the speakers and use money to buy used ones that go with the amp. 

3. Lastly I could change the source, but was it the culprit - to begin with?

btw - the sound of the "new" amp is decent with my turntable, and terrible with my CD player.

(If I wrote brands and models it would throw the discussion into "A sucks, B is great")


Op, a decent DAC does not cost fortunate.  Quarter of the money you spent on the used MF could get you a pretty decent DAC that preserves soundstage width / depth, tonal balance, weighted bass well like Schiit Modius.  You could sell it on  eBay if you decide not to keep it to get good amount of money back.  

@jperry I explained why I didn't name the components (and later I did many times)

thank you @rocray @riccitone @lanx0003 

I have no idea how to find a DAC but I will look it up


Forgive my overstating the dac thing, but I find this fella with his iiWi channel very informative and helpful. Always reviewing great gear at more accessible budget ranges (I’m right there with you on the compromise dilemma). Here he’s favorably comparing the new SMSL M500 to more expensive dacs:


I’ve seen this one used for as little as $300 on Amazon. 

grislybutter -

Hi.  I have been using MF amps & CD players for almost 20 years.  My thoughts fwiw:

I found the MF A3 preferable to the A3.2,  Not by a wide margin.  Both the A3 & A3.2 were both way preferable to the newer M2.  I found that with each new generation of their amps, the MF sound became 'cleaner' though not quite 'etched.'

I would keep the A3.2, it's a good amp.

If you are to swap out your cd player, I would look for a MF 3.2 or CD PRE 24.  There is incredible synergy with MF amps & CD players of the same vintage.  The CD PRE24 would pair well with your A3.2.  You could also use the preamp of the CD PRE 24, as your A3.2 has a pre-out.  It also has a very good DAC.  

The CD PRE 24 is still the star of my main system almost 20 years later.  Absolutely love this piece.  It is used with a Prima Luna PL5 amp & Zu Audio Dirty Weekend floor standers.  I use the 3.2 CD player with a Rogue Audio Sphinx and Golden Ear BRX monitors.

Give it time.  You have a good foundation amp.

Be well, Rich 


@riccitone thank you very educational! I feel a bit less ignorant

@rar1 I am planning to keep it and I am glad so far no one told me to ditch the speakers. I am slightly confused if I should get a DAC or another CD player, options :)