AT33PTG/II upgrade? Compatible?

Currently running a Nagaoka MP-150 with the 200 stylus. Wondering is the AT33PTG/II is an upgrade or sideways move.


if an upgrade, is it compatible with the Technics GR ‘table and Sutherland 20/20?


been reading about compliance but it’s not making total sense to

me I’m afraid.


thanks in advance.

The only thing I don't like is that it tracks at 2.0 grams, but, I prefer it's sound, and 2 gm isn't heavy, it's more an idealistic preferrence.
I am used to:

Shure V15VxMR which tracks at 1g

AT440ml 1.25g

Shure Elliptical 97xe 1.25g

Grado Mono 1.5g

I have my friends Goldring Eroica LX MC here which tracks at 1.7g.

Wandering thought: since the PTG is regarded to have less bass than the SA (and presumably the ART9) would coming from the Nag be kind of a downgrade in the bass department?.


just curious.

Yes, AT33PTG works well. And A Sutherland is flexible enough to cater to anything and the sound is great. I have done that. 



Stay will MM

Try the AT 540 Cartridge

So many months later I finally pulled the trigger. Only the 2nd time I’ve mounted a cartridge.


im running the Sutherland at 100 ohms and 58db gain (the next up is 64db). Sounds really good. I raised the tone arm up a bit to get the shell level to the record. It’s higher than I’ve ever had it.


that channel separation is no joke on the AT.

It’s my first MC and my first advanced stylus profile. I hope my records are clean enough haha.