CJ PV14 or Audible Illusions Modulus 3A?

I've finally narrowed a decision down to these two preamps. Looking for feedback based on experience with either as far as sound quality, build quality, etc. and especially if anyone's compared the two directly


I said I would post if Audible Illusions issued a refund. Well, here I am. I was happily surprised with a receipt for a full refund this morning. What a relief.

I just purchased a used AI M3a here and it sounds phenomenal.  I took the chance well aware of the problems everyone has with Art.  Such a bummer.  I saw somewhere that Ben Jacoby out of NYC does upgrades and repairs.  I think I will go that route if I have a problem.  But damn does this preamp sound beautiful.


I purchased an Audible Illusions (don't remember the model) and then a 3A (gave the first to my brother) from Audio Connections. Cannot recommend Johnny highly enough. No problem with either unit--haven't even had to replace tubes. You are probably safe to purchase a unit if you get it from a dealer who has it in stock. Great sounding preamp (I have the MM phono section). Only issue is high gain.

still have a 3A with the JC MC board and will never part with it. Gets everything fundamental so right..

still have a 3A with the JC MC board and will never part with it. Gets everything fundamental so right..

and reliable