
Looking for feedback on the AXPONA event in Chicago in April. I have never attended an event like this.  Is it a worthwhile event if you are looking to make some upgrades to your system?  Are you able to make purchases at the event or do you order and product is shipped to you?  I also noticed that some brands like Wilson, Kharma, Transparent, Shunyata or not on the list and if there is any reason why?  

Any guidance or feedback is appreciated about attending something like this is appreciated.

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Two years ago was my first Axpona (first audio show ever actually).  Was lucky enough to go early on the first day so it wasn't that crowded.  I had a great time.  Was able to check out so many new products.  Really couldn't believe how many companies are out there that I had never heard of!  

As many have stated, don't go there expecting to hear everything at it's best.  But, I think you can get a good idea of what a speaker might sound like in your room.  I was blown away by the sound in a few rooms though - Vinni Rossi, Maggie LRS, Sanders, DeVore, just to name a few.  Ended up buying the LRS shortly thereafter.  

Totally worth a trip IMO.  Even just to go once.  I am looking forward to going again in April.


Do dealers go and set up products in showrooms or is it strictly manufacturer's?  For example, would a local Chicago dealer have a room showing Audio Research or Wilson Audio or would it be Wilson Audio showing off the line of products?  Appreciate the feedback.


IIRC the Chicagoland dealers present in 2019 were Saturday Audio, Holm, Music Direct, Quintessence.  They had a variety of stuff on display.  Just took a look at the 2022 exhibitor list and it looks like the same are there this year.  There are also dealers from around the country sporting various gear.  Check it out:


Most of the major brands will be on display in some fashion.  As koslekt1 said, it does pay to go through the list and try and whittle it down a bit.  It really is a quite a lot to see in one day.  I was hoping to go 2 days this time but a little thing like work will probably not let that happen!

Again, totally worth the price of admission IMO.  

Be interesting to see if the union will allow you to carry down any equipment that you purchase without their assistance. 

I am hoping that the mask mandate will be lifted although I cant think of a more appropriate place to wear a mask. 

For first-timers, understand that the exhibitor list is misleading. Example, if a room is listed for, let's say Wilson, there will be Wilson products. But also, there will be all of the electronics and cabling etc that's needed to form a system. So, the Wison room might also be showing McIntosh, or Pass, and Transparent, and Aurrender and so on. There might be a room sponsored by a cable company and then, of course, all of the electronics and speakers needed to complete the system. 

  As to the Chicago area audio stores that are represented, those mentioned above are only a few. There are more, all showing numerous products that they deal with. 

Lastly, the mask mandate in Il has been lifted.  Any mask requirement at the show will be Axponas' call. I haven't seen anything on the web site that mentions a change. Personally, I'm ok with it if it means a little extra protection.  If years past are any indication, the place can get pretty crowded. Packed elevators, hallways and rooms could be cause for extra caution. The show will be worth the aggravation.