Neil Young calls out Tidal

TIDAL is calling their files of my songs Masters. But TIDAL’s MQA files are not my masters. I make my masters - not TIDAL. I made my masters the way I wanted them to sound. If TIDAL referred to their titles as TIDAL MASTERS, I would have no problem, but they don’t. They call them Masters. I had my music removed from that platform. They are not my masters.”.



You say, "any coercion, pressure for the public to take medication of any kind is a violation of natural human rights"

Like a law sending people to jail for murder? Or, even more to the point, conscription? You know, the social mechanism that allows us to live without making Nazi salutes?


Bro, like seriously? You can’t be this loopy..........can you? ??

I am sorry as much as I like getting paid by the "word", I’ll pass on this.

If you can’t tell the difference between someone who has right to refuse a medical treatment, and someone that "Commits M U R D E R"!!!!!!! I think you are a lost cause.

I strongly suggest that you commit yourself to some extended in-patient counseling, that you stay away from automobiles/heavy machinery until the symptoms of madness subsist.


Have a nice day, don’t torture animals 👌

Jesus Christ


Like a law sending people to jail for murder? Or, even more to the point, conscription? You know, the social mechanism that allows us to live without making Nazi salutes?

Are you saying jail the unvaccinated? I'm confused.


8 News Now reported:

“I’m very grateful that I was able to get better. The doctors said I was most likely not able to walk at all, now I can walk, not as great as before but I’ll take what I can get,” Emma tells 8 News Now.

She is now on the road to recovery, her weekly therapy has allowed her to stand on her own with the use of a walker and most recently with a cane.

Emma’s mother Kathy is grateful for her daughter’s positive outlook as she continues to move forward.

“Seeing where she is today, she is a miracle, she is amazing. Her attitude and God is what has gotten her this far,” Kathy expressed.

She tells 8 News Now she and her daughter both received the vaccine to protect themselves from COVID but adds that they now regret that decision.

“When you are literally faced with the possibility that your child could not be there the next day when they were completely healthy is just gut-wrenching, you just can not breathe, “added Kathy.

Anyways.. time to move on. I wish nothing but the best to all, vaccinated and unvaccinated, praying for all 🙏

Hope the hearts that have hardened, find within them Grace to empathize with people that they disagree with.  

Good Luck and God speed. 

@yuviarora I am still in shock

Wishing death to unvaccinated, comparing them to murderers, barring them from hospitals, firing them, etc etc this thread has head spinjing,

I think I finally understand what happened to people in Europe in the 30’s.

People really do go mad in crowds 🙏🙏

Thanks 4 all the info