What phono cartridge is suited for metal and heavy rock?

I want to purchase a new phono cartridge to replace my Ortofon 2m Blue. Since I'm not an expert by any means, I could do with some advice.

My musical taste is on the heavier side, I mainly listen to stonerrock, metal and 70's rock. 

My turntable is a Pro-Ject Perspective. I use a Musical Fidelity M1 LPS phono Preamp which is connected to a Marantz AV 8801 Preamp. My amplifier is a Marantz MM7055.

The sound of the Blue is a bit bright, maybe somewhat dull, for my taste. But since there are so many brands and models to choose from some help would be appreciated. 


Don’t know about sonically, but visually the Ortofon MC A95 looks like it should play heavy metal well

Try a Audio-Technica VM540ML. I bought one while deciding on a new cartridge. The diamond on my Hana SH just disappeared. I actually liked it better than the SH.

The Audio-Technica VM540ML would be very price-friendly in comparison to the other cartridges. I can't say that's a bad thing 🙂