Suggest your most desired MSRP $1,500-$3,000 Stand Mount for a Shootout.

We are gathering a list of eight speakers to compare in two live events in

June 2022. Post covid we hope!


Trying to gather models which are not readily available for audition.


Please submit your One suggestion here. 

I will begin with my One -KLH Model 5. MRSP $2,000.


Thanks for the help!


I second the Monitor Audio Gold 100s… Have a pair driven by a Lyngdorf TDAI 1120… very nice 😊

A lot of people have heard the KEF LS50. Might be a nice comparison point. $1500 for the metas.

I have three that I own. 
CSS Audio Criton 1TDX, JBL 1600 HDI. Both excellent. My latest speakers are a pair of used Dynaudio Special 40s I got for $2500. These are indeed special. Love them. 

After you waste time and hurt everyone's ears listening to all those boxes, hook-up a pair of Magnepans and let your group hear what was actually recorded on whatever source you are using.  

Warning:  You only hear what you feed them, so GIGO applies.

