Looking for thoughts on Sonus Faber speakers

Looking for a smooth natural midrange and high end...particularly regarding the human voice.  I enjoy detail...but don't like an analytical sound.  I think most tweeters today are fatiguing.   I enjoy the overall presentation of Harbeths...but want more low end.  I have had one audition of the Sonetto V's and was impressed...but what else might I consider?  


Greg S.


I was able to hear the Sonetto VIII the other day and they seem to me like they do exactly what you are talking about.  The vocals are so nice. 

SF Olympica iii is what I use. Discontinued and can be had at great deals.does everything you describe and sound amazing even at low volumes 


sonus fabers qualify for the type of sound you seek

past, higher level s-f’s were wonderful with classical and vocals, if they could be criticized, it was they would not ’boogie’ and sometimes smeared transients on more ’exciting’ music

more modern higher level s-f models seem to have cured that ill (of being too smooth and refined, dark) and play with more vigor when called on to do so

still, s-f’s will never offend with bright, piercing treble or a ’too forward’ presentation

other speakers in the same school of sound would be harbeths, vandersteens, classic spendors, and, at a somewhat lower level of resolution, wharfedales