Biwire speakers

I am new to the world of separates and have a very basic question. I just purchased an Anthem P2 to to power my Paradigm S-8s. Is there any advantage or disadvantage to biwire my speakers to the P2? Thanks.
Thanks everyone. You confirmed what I suspected - it's what you think it does, for better or worse.
Well stated Calcentral, you answered your own question, which beats the more popular pastime of questioning your own answer.
I typically suggest starting here:

Rod does know his stuff - once you've absorbed that material you'll have a better reference for bi-anything...
I think it also depends on your speaker. Some are designed to be run bi-wired so if you only run them single wired or single wired with jumpers, the sound isnt as good. Bi-wiring vs. single wiring with jumpers made a huge difference for the better with my Unity Audio Signature 1's. For other speakers this might not be the case so an option might be to borrow a set of cables the same as what you already have, or a bi-wire made set from The Cable Company (they let you evaluate them at home) and see if there's a difference thats worth it on your particular speakers.
If you use jumpers, the choice of the LF or HF posts for running the speaker wires in may make a distinctly audible difference. "Conventional wisdom" seems to favor HF; my slightly bass shy speakers sound better when connected through the LF.
