Have you moved away from full range to standmount speakers + subs?

I want to know if you have been on a journey moving from a large full range speaker to a smaller one paired wit subs, maybe even four subs.

Maybe you moved away from the big speakers because you had too much bass or you got a better soundstage from the smaller speakers. Let me know what motivated you and if you think it’s better now.

My motivation for wanting to try smaller speakers.

I have the Tekton DI and until a month ago I was using a LM845P SET amp to drive them.

It only sounded good on simple jazz and vocals but on complex music everything was falling apart.

I am not playing loud but I think it was the low 2 ohm load in the midrange that made the LM break down.

I bought a used PS Audio BHK250 and pre and it was like getting new speakers. Never ever had it occurred to me that speaker and amp matching could have such a profound effect.

So I am enjoying my speakers now and listen to music I have avoided like the plague and enjoying it (:

But all of this got me thinking, what if I paired my LM845P with an easy to drive speaker and paired it with some subs?

Then the LM845 could do what it's best at, playing glorious midrange and the subs could play the bass.

So that's my motivation for trying smaller speakers.

I am also hoping that maybe I could get better and more even bass with 2 or 4 subs. Maybe a better soundstage because the small speakers have a very small baffle.

ted_denny, my ONLY question is WHY you haven’t taken action already.

It’s one thing to have an opinion, it’s something completely different to actively and willfully participate in a smear campaign in an ONGOING basis.

I’ve read post on these forums that actively protest and encourage a company with a money back guarantee to be BANNED because they sell a product, that the person has not tried. Then "REPEAT" the same thing over many different threads..

PAGES of responses were erased, thread after thread was erased.
WHY? IF the thread looses steam it looses steam...

I personally wouldn’t put up with it.. ME the old weird mechanic, that normally let’s thing go and usually support everyone’s right to a view..

IF you haven’t tried it, move on.. If you have post your "STUFF" and move on. Tell everyone how you sent the fuse back after their return date or after it’s blown and you STILL got your money back or a NEW fuse sent out expedited..

Oh do tell the horror stories, I’VE yet to hear ONE SINGLE STORY..

Tried this many years with Celestion SL600's with subs. but in the end chose to go with full range towers and subs.
Magnepan 1.7i's and two powerful subs. My system has never sounded better to my ears.