dac choice

I'm thinking about the new Monarchy Dac Model 24 for a second system. Another option that would save me a few bucks is the Channel Islands VDA2. Have you heard either of these dacs? Any thoughts? Thanks
Haven't heard the CI VDA2, but I do have the Monarchy M24 and the Benchmark DAC1 on hand. I used to have the Monarchy in my second system and now it has moved to my primary system. I think it may stay there.

It's just so sweet and musical. I believe the Benchmark sounds slightly clearer/cleaner (and a bit more clinical). The Monarchy provides a very satisfying presentation in that the highs are so silky, the vocals are focused and immediate, and the harmonic structure of many midrange instruments is spot on. The bass has plenty of power and slam and is only slightly less defined than the Benchmark.

I'm listening to Seal's Acoustic album at the moment, and it sounds wonderful. Also realize that the M24 includes a volume control and a very competent tube linestage preamp (in addition to the direct DAC output) so you can use it as a high-end tube preamp in conjunction with a phono stage or other source component. I'd call that a bargain any which way you slice it.
Plato, Thanks for the info. Do you run the Monarchy 24 directly in to your amp? I would be using it with an integrated so I wouldn't use the volume control. Have you tried it both ways?

The Benchmark is excellent and does many things well. It's a great value, but it's a tad clinical for me.
84audio, I'm actually running the M24's DAC stage directly into my preamp and then into my amps. I have tried it both ways and think that the M24 sounds a bit more palpable and immediate if you bypass its linestage and volume control. I put a pair of Siemens E88CC gold-pin tubes in the DAC stage and they sound fantastic -- especially in the highs. Some folks seem to like the NOS Mullards, as well.

Your comments on the Benchmark are well taken and understood.
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