Best Integrated Amp (for me)

I recently upgraded to a Pro-Ject Classic turntable. I currently own KEF LS50 bookshelf speakers and a Nikko NR-719 tuner (from the 1980s).

I'm interested in upgrading to a better-quality (and nicer-looking) integrated amplifier to pair with my turntable and speakers. I love things that are really simple and classic-looking (but of course I also want it to sound great). I'm looking to spend somewhere between $500-$1000.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

For the money, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better integrated for that money the the Acurus DIA100MKll is a wonderful sounding integrated with plenty of power and wonderful dynamics’s. Read the reviews.

maybe 'for the money' it is ok, but i had one of these in the 90's and it and my totem 1's were so harsh sounding the system was unlistenable, proverbial bleeding ears ... i jumped ship within a month
I agree, I also had Acurus and to me it was very bright, just painful to listen to.
I was using Acurus with  Aerial Acoustics speakers which cannot be blamed for the bright sound. 
Anything from Line Magnetic will have that cool vibe and sound wonderful. 22 watts runs my inefficient bookshelves quite effortlessly. Here’s a link to something in your price range. No comment on the vendor as I have no experience with them.