Looking for an amp that punches way about its weight and I can grow with

So recently I purchase a McIntosh MC300 from a reputable dealer and got it and plugged it in and turned it and a nice arc/small flame came out the top and then the amp no longer worked.  So I am sending it back, and sending back a McIntosh is no funny it is too heavy and there are too may boxes!!!  Anyway this have given me time to think and do a lot more reading and I find this forum has some very open views on their thoughts which I love.  So that being said I am looking for an amp that punches way above its weight.  They will be driving Martin Logan Electromotion ESL's.  I know that electrostatic speakers require amps over watts (I think that is what I have be reading but I am still learning)

So a couple of the important details; my budget is around $3000 with a little wiggle room.  The rest of my system is as follows: SOTA Sapphire VI turntable, McIntosh MP100 Phono pre, Schiit Feya+ tube rolled pre.  90% of the music I listen to is Rock the other 10% is Jazz.  I am looking for something that will last me awhile and be great for a Martin Logan upgrade at some point.  I have been looking at some stuff by Rogue and Odyssey but dont know the brands well.  I also live out on the middle of nowhere and all I really have available to listen to is McIntosh.  So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.   
BRYSTON and PASS LABS both made incredible amps that are built like tanks and will last as long as you wish them to. They are expensive, but at least in this case you will get every penny's worth. These are both products that simply don't decay with age. Either one will drive the Martin Logan's to their fullest sonic capability. I have heard both. The fact that you are a heavy rock listener makes me hesitate to recommend any tube amps. Most "Rock Guys" don't care for the sound of tubes.
But if I were, it would be PRIMA LUNA EV400'S with the EVO400 preamp. The key to "rock" in this case would be to load the EVO400 with a full set of TUNG SOL KT150's. I believe it would change your mind about tubes very quickly.
Ditto on the Bob Latino VTA-120 amp. With good coupling capacitors and a good rectifier, It's really excellent. Very wide top end. And, if you've got efficient speakers, you can switch into triode mode for that rich mid-range sound.
Check out the ModWright KWA 100SE Power Amp. (I own one)
It works well with a tubed front end.
One word: Carver, the original Bob Carver - made amp.
The formidable but light weight PM 2.0 produces an easy 460 W/channel full range, delivers massive well damped bass and musical and natural mids and highs. It has been a reliable pro amp for touring rock bands and I use one at home in the bass channel of a bi-amped system, as well as  half dozen of these for the bass channels of my large tri-amped pro systems. (stagersound.com).
Back in day 1978 I own MAC gear C28 Preamp & the 2105 Power amp very dark & veil, not a happy camper. In fact the only MAC gear I like is the vintage tuners which I now own the MAC MR 73 I like a dark tuner. I sold the MAC gear for Dynaco gear which was half the price and sound twice or more better. I`ve gone through quite a few amps in my day; eventually I sat in at a PASS LABS listening session it was all over found the perfect mate for my 3.6 MAGGIES the Pass XP30 Preamp & the pass X350 Power amp. I was thinking about a Pass 350.8 however, this 15yr old tank sounds good I think I`ll just have it recapped and enjoy another 15yrs. BTW there`s a used new to you X250 on usaudiomart.com #345 for sale $$ your budget can`t go wrong with PASS the ML`s will stand up and sing Oh happy day Oh happy day when PASS came into my life who ray who ray!!