Fuse Upgrade to Ceramic not glass

Been researching fuses and see a need to upgrade to Ceramic over glass but don't neccesarily buy into the hoopla over expensive Fuses, I would say getting rid of any glass type for ceramic is the way to go , I truly believe thats what people hear the difference in , ceramic is a much better material for acoustics than a crap glass / thin wire that can Vibrate and be a weak link in my opinion I'm not about to spend a fortune on fuses either a quality ceramic will suffice. Question where does one find out what fuses are in his gear ? I want to figure out what I need for my Marantz before I take it out of my Rack and spend time  , open her up just to figure out what I need is a big time waster. I called marantz they referred me to a svc Dept but they couldn't tell me either , Is there a way to figure out what I need to have it so I can do this project in one shot?? or maybe I have ceramic already and dont know it , breaking my rack down to figure out cant happen.
Normally fast blow are used on the rails where they need to blow FAST in case of a problem.

DC rail fuses are next to useless and add resistance and sometimes "bad contact" to the dc line, if either blow, it’s catastrophic for the output stage anyway. That’s why most amps these days don’t have them any more like some used to in the bad old days.

Cheers George
nickaboy1 - look at the manual for details.  check the back of the amp (with power off and unpluged from wall)  you can access the fuses and determine sizes.   As far as surge protection etc,  look into power conditioners that are parallel filtered.  not series.  like 
STOP looking at Paper Specification  -  you can pick any equipment on paper specs and it wouldnt sound as good as you though it should.  Us specs to get you to the area. e.g.  you can use a GPS to finding a city (like specs)   - but you need to walk around to find that out of the way resturant that only the locals know about.  Dont be a tourist.  

Some of the worst sounding equipment can have the best specs. 

Some of the worst sounding equipment can have the best specs.

All decent audio equipment is designed and built using specs, measurements and bench tests, if not turn around and run away from it. Granted some things like excess negative feedback to give better pseudo specs is detrimental to sound quality.

"If" one understands them Stereophile bench tests give a good indication of what an amp can do into certain speaker loads, and many times correlate also with what the reviewer has said it does and doesn’t do, instead of just hanging one out there and hope it sticks.

Cheers George